  Banquet and feast recipes. 60 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked. Please inquire for availability.

  A small selection of period recipes for food and drink that would typically have been consumed by a modest 17th c. farm family at Christmastime. 16 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked, please inquire for availability.

  Includes a glossary. 28 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked, please inquire for availability.

  Two volumes. Pastry recipes. Meat, fish, dairy, egg, fruit, and vegetable pies. Tarts and florentines. 128 pages. NOTE: All copies of volume 2 in this series have rusting staples, however the legibility of the text is not affected. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked. Please inquire for availability.

  Game, beef, pork, mutton, kid, fowl, wildfowl, fish. Includes sauces and stuffings. 64 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked, please inquire for availability.

  36 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked, please inquire for availability.

  Conventional breads as well as spiced and sugared varieties including gingerbreads. 24 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked, please inquire for availability.

  A small collection of scattered recipes from period works other than cookbooks (The Treasury of Hidden Secrets, Richard Symond’s diaries, Izac Walton’s Compleat Angler). 16 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked, please inquire for availability.

  A collection of suggested menus from period cookbooks. No recipes. Includes a glossary. 24 pages.

  The nature and origin of luxury foods and spices imported into England. No recipes. 32 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked, please inquire for availability.

  Identification of the types of cheese consumed in England and Wales during the period, including imported varieties. Includes a number of cheese recipes. 16 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked, please inquire for availability.

  A comprehensive guide to drinking laws and the drinks made and consumed, plus a brief guide to drinking vessels. Numerous recipes. Identification of wines used in cooking. 84 pages.

  12 pages.

  Not dessert puddings, rather puddings in the 17th c. sense including boiled, fried or baked savory puddings, and puddings in unusual containers. Stomach puddings including haggis. 40 pages.

  All types of fish including eel and shellfish. 28 pages.

  Uses for all flesh parts of the sheep. Includes some recipes for minced mutton. 28 pages.

  32 pages.

  56 pages. Note: Slightly damaged copies with rusting staples are available at a discount, please inquire.

  Fricassees, fritters, puffs, fried meats, carbonadoes, grilled fish and shellfish. 52 pages. AVAILABILITY: This title is being restocked, please inquire for availability.

  Purchase the complete Early 17th Century English Food Series and receive a 15% discount. Email us for details.
