  Many links to online historical culinary texts and food history sites. Detailed list of culinary bibliographies.

  Dr. Martha Carlin's links to medieval and early modern culinary and household texts available online.

  Click here to read an article about Mrs. Beeton and the Book of Household Management, featured on The Media Drome website.

  Food History News is a quarterly newsletter for culinary history enthusiasts and reenactors. Culinary history links and news, index of Food History News articles, subscription information.

  An excellent glossary from Prospect Books, UK publisher of many fine facsimile reprints of antiquarian cookery books.

  A useful resource assembled by the General Research Division of the New York Public Library.

  A fabulous collection of culinary and food history links.

  A labor of love by Russell Harris. Online and downloadable index for the esteemed culinary journal Petits Propos Culinaires.

  Also by Russell Harris!

  Amazing replicas of historic European molds and presses for cookies, marzipan and tragant. Beautiful!

  "A food lover's link to professional chefs." A wealth of culinary tips and recipes from some of the top chefs in the States. Food history articles, book reviews, and a message board where you can ask that burning culinary question no one else has been able to answer before now.

   Visit IOBA, an association dedicated to promoting high ethical and professional standards in online bookselling. IOBA maintains a comprehensive index of online book search engines and databases, and a helpful list of book terminology and grading definitions.

  A search engine to help book buyers find the best prices on new, used and out-of-print books offered online. Purchase from the same independent booksellers the big online mega-stores buy their used/out-of-print inventory from. Don't pay huge markups, buy direct from the source! Bookfinder accesses all major book databases.
